
General Chair - Prof. Gang WANG

Prof. Gang Wang is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, and a research scientist at the Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore



General Co-chair - Dr. Dennis SNG

Dr. Dennis Sng is currently a Principal Scientist and Deputy Director of the Rapid-Rich Object SEarch(ROSE) Laboratory.



Advisor - Prof. Alex KOT

Prof. Alex Kot is currently a Professor and Associate Dean of College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University. He is also Director of the Rapid-Rich Object SEarch(ROSE) Laboratory. He was the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in 2005 and 2006 and is a Fellow of IEEE. He is the Vice-President for the IEEE Signal Processing Society.



Treasurer - Qian WANG



Logistic Chair - Joseph LIM



Webmaster - Haoliang LI